
Co-founder of EsTeam consulting agency, and charter member of Change Agents Worldwide, I always considered that passion and desire for learning are the best, maybe the only, means to bring deep meaning to existence.

I was certainly driven by this believing when, almost thirty years ago, after half-scientific and half-artistic studies (well, passion was already driving me more than reason), I went to work for reknown European fashion trend offices. There, I detected and decyphered emerging cultural and social trends for big companies.

Following my passions then led me toward creation and development of new products and services, as a designer first, then as a marketing director, this before design thinking was formalized as a discipline.

Passion, again, drove me into the exploration of the possibilities brought in by new technologies. After having leaded the first e-commerce website dedicated to fashion apparel set up in France, then developed the online presence of a high education network, I realized how much the internet was deeply modifying our access to knowledge, the way we work and our whole social interactions.

For some years now, I use what I learned through these multi-disciplinary experiences to help and advise companies in the ways to adapt to this new world, to better understand the stakes involved and to take advantage of the opportunities it offers.

« Sonnez en Cas d’Absence » is the roadbook of my discoveries and thoughts along this exciting journey.

If you’d like to know more about me, please visit my Linkedin profile or discover how I might help you on EsTeam’s website.

Let’s chat on Twitter, or you can email me at [email protected]

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