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Category Archives: As seen, heard or read
Social media is a cultural matter: the Japan case
A few months ago, several articles (like this one) pin-pointed the slow and deceptive growth of Facebook and Myscpace in Japan, compared to the overwhelming popularity of a local social netork: Mixi, explaining it by a so-called Japanese shyness in … Continue reading
Forget about global conversation, it’s all local now (again)
Once upon a time, there was a Brand. It earned its reputation on behalf of great products and conquered a lot of markets. Marketing helped it to build its personality, and communication broadcasted and reflected this personality, encountering customers’ satisfaction … Continue reading
A (personal) brand is a brand is a… Really ?
Of the numerous oxymorons flourishing on the web today, one is particularly disturbing for me: the Personal Brand. First coined in 2003 in a book from David McNally and Karl Speak, “Be Your Own Brand: A Breakthrough Formula for Standing … Continue reading
L’homme qui valait 40 mille / The 50 thousand dollars man
— English text below — L’état français donne 4 milliards d’euros aux constructeurs automobiles. Je ne discuterai pas ici du bienfondé du soutien à cette industrie, bien que les voitures qui roulent dans nos rues sont souvent fabriquées en Corée, … Continue reading
Posted in As experimented, As seen, heard or read
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