Author Archives: thierry

The Ultimate Pretence

France feels cold. Or at least this is what we learn while turning on the radio. On the air, we hear nothing but freezing cold and lowering temperature. Think over, -5°C, this is a record since… 2012, a record-breaking that … Continue reading

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L’ultime décor

La France a froid. C’est du moins ce que l’on apprend en allumant la radio. Sur les ondes, il n’est question que de froid glacial et de températures en baisse. Pensez-vous, -5° à Paris, un record depuis… 2012, qui doit … Continue reading

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Pour les RH, l’espace entre Ressources et Humaines

Les processus RH fondamentaux, tels que les modèles de compétences ou les systèmes de rémunération, évoluent très lentement, et le raz-de-marée du “tout collaboratif” a laissé l’essentiel de l’influence des RH loin derrière. Que faut-il donc faire pour prendre en … Continue reading

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In HR, The Deep Space Between Human and Resources

Core HR processes such as competency models or compensation systems are slow to evolve, and the tidal wave of “collaborative everything” have left most of the HR vista bled dry on the performance shore. So, where to go from there … Continue reading

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The New Middle Ages

The firm is born from the principle of pooling means of production, of giving the possibility to give access to resources unavailable to single individuals. According to Jeremy Rifkin, the reduction in production costs caused by the digital revolution is … Continue reading

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