Tag Archives: business design

In HR, The Deep Space Between Human and Resources

Core HR processes such as competency models or compensation systems are slow to evolve, and the tidal wave of “collaborative everything” have left most of the HR vista bled dry on the performance shore. So, where to go from there … Continue reading

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The New Middle Ages

The firm is born from the principle of pooling means of production, of giving the possibility to give access to resources unavailable to single individuals. According to Jeremy Rifkin, the reduction in production costs caused by the digital revolution is … Continue reading

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L’entreprise en tant que plateforme ? Non merci

Les expressions ont souvent un sens plus profond que les mots qui les composent. C’est le cas de celles qui décrivent les nouvelles conditions du travail, bouleversées par la montée en puissance des réseaux et de la technologie. La première … Continue reading

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Organizational blindness

In 1970, the scientific journal Nature published a small but important article by Colin Blakemore and Grahame F. Cooper, two neurophysiologists from the University of Cambridge. The article, titled Development of the Brain depends on the Visual Environment, described the … Continue reading

Posted in As experimented, As seen, heard or read, English | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What Have They Done to My Song, Ma

“Look what they done to my song ma Look what they done to my song It’s the only thing I could do alright And they turned it upside down Oh ma, look what they done to my song” – Melanie … Continue reading

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