Tag Archives: social business

L’entreprise en tant que plateforme ? Non merci

Les expressions ont souvent un sens plus profond que les mots qui les composent. C’est le cas de celles qui décrivent les nouvelles conditions du travail, bouleversées par la montée en puissance des réseaux et de la technologie. La première … Continue reading

Posted in Francais, Vu, lu ou entendu | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Return of Venn – Looking at the Future of Business

My last post sparked a few amazing comments. Looking back to the little exercise I attempted – representing organizational structure as Venn diagrams – I realize that my view was a bit enterprise-centric. “Customer”, as a concept, is quite reductive … Continue reading

Posted in As experimented, As seen, heard or read, English | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Venn’s Adventures in the Future of Work

A few weeks ago, I was invited to speak at BPM Conference Portugal by Alberto Manuel, its chairman and delightful host. My talk focused on the inability for business processes to adequately address real world problems, either from a knowledge … Continue reading

Posted in As experimented, As seen, heard or read, English | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Employee Engagement: Beyond Workplace Psychosis 2.0

I always have been an ardent supporter of true qualitative research. Yet, data IS interesting, specially when, considered under the right angle, it helps shedding a light on otherwise unnoticed facts and behaviors. A number is a number is a … Continue reading

Posted in As seen, heard or read, English | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Breaking the reality barrier (social business style)

A tweet from Bertrand Duperrin, during the just finished Enterprise 2.0 Summit in Paris, ringed a bell in my head. We all know (or should know) that any social initiative should start with a concrete, tangible business problem to be … Continue reading

Posted in As experimented, As seen, heard or read, English | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment