Tag Archives: social media

EtoB: will enterprise 2.0 and the social web converge? – The firewall dilemma

As community-driven tools and internal social networks experiments are now flourishing in many companies, as brands begin to understand what “engaging with customers” really mean, important part of businesses, BtoB or BtoC, are getting more people-centric, and Social Media begin … Continue reading

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Recruitment 2.0 doesn’t exist – yet

While more and more recruiters look for information about candidates on the internet, or recruit directly on social networks, every footstep we leave on these sites may turn out dangerous, or even disastrous. Numerous blogs or ebooks are now focusing … Continue reading

Posted in As experimented, As seen, heard or read, English | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

EtoB : businesses in the era of social web – the social CRM

It is quite an evidence to say that BtoB businesses do not focus on the same aspects of the customer experience. For a typical buyer/customer, a brand’s values are somehow less important than one-to-one engagement with the seller, as it … Continue reading

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Is the Blackberry Putting a Brake on Enterprise 2.0 ?

While anybody agrees on the fact that social media adoption in the enterprise requires a cultural change, there is for me a large underestimated factor which will be difficult to overcome: the lack of synchronism of Web 2.0 tools and … Continue reading

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Brands : Beyond the Five Eras of the Social Web

About a month ago, Jeremiah Owyang posted his views, as a Forrester analyst, on the evolution on the Web, providing us with an insightful vision of how brands and customers will expect from each other in the near future. From … Continue reading

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