Tag Archives: social media

EtoB: businesses in the era of social web – part 1

As the web evolves into « the social web », it is clear that companies have no other choice than changing the way they consider and interact with their clients and customers, which will have a tremendous impact on their … Continue reading

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Enterprise 2.0: seeding the conversation

A few weeks ago,  I wrote about the particularities of social media in Japan. During the early eighties,  Japanese companies were taken as a management model and a lot of best practices were imported into our Western world to seed … Continue reading

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Social media is a cultural matter: the Japan case

A few months ago, several articles (like this one) pin-pointed the slow and deceptive growth of Facebook and Myscpace in Japan, compared to the overwhelming popularity of a local social netork: Mixi, explaining it by a so-called Japanese shyness in … Continue reading

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Forget about global conversation, it’s all local now (again)

Once upon a time, there was a Brand. It earned its reputation on behalf of great products and conquered a lot of markets. Marketing helped it to build its personality, and communication broadcasted and reflected this personality, encountering customers’ satisfaction … Continue reading

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