From Social Media to Social Business: The Missing ‘Social’ Link

I am often puzzled by the way organizations and agencies tackle social media, as if conversational marketing and Enterprise 2.0 were living in separate worlds, addressing totally different issues, pursuing irreconcilable goals. Do they?

Of course, when considering the ‘media’ part of Social Media, open Innovation, co-creation, social CRM, have very few to deal with Facebook campaigns or multi-millions views viral videos. But the ‘social’ part, a word which deeply unsettles more than a few from my Enterprise 2.0 colleagues, tells us a completely different story, made up of conversations, insights, and exchange of knowledge. More than ever, I see a whole continuum taking place in the Social Territory, setting the customer’s experience at the center of business and harnessing all those conversations to get things done in a better way and gain decisive competitive advantages. Social Learning, which involves leveraging knowledge gained through informal networked flows, appears to be the necessary link between Social Media and Social Business.

More on that in the presentation below:

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3 Responses to From Social Media to Social Business: The Missing ‘Social’ Link

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention From Social Media to Social Business: The Missing ‘Social’ Link | Sonnez en cas d'absence --

  2. I can’t say I agree 100% regarding certain points, but you’ve got an interesting way of writing thigs. Anyway, I enjoy the quality you bring to the blogosphere and that this isn’t just another abandoned, made-for-adsense site! Take care…

  3. Pingback: #FAV10 – My favorite reads & tweets of 2010 collected – « Wim Rampen's Blog

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