Tag Archives: social learning

From Social Media to Social Business: The Missing ‘Social’ Link

I am often puzzled by the way organizations and agencies tackle social media, as if conversational marketing and Enterprise 2.0 were living in separate worlds, addressing totally different issues, pursuing irreconcilable goals. Do they? Of course, when considering the ‘media’ … Continue reading

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“Toward Enterprise 2.0”: Are We Pushing Further a Square Peg Into a Round Hole?

I was lucky enough to have in hands “Toward Enterprise 2.0”, a recent study of Enterprise 2.0 adoption, conducted by Cecile Demailly, from Early Strategies consulting agency. This survey unveils many interesting results about transformation strategies, and about the perception … Continue reading

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Knowledge: Cheshire or Schrödinger’s cat?

This article has been cross-posted with ecollab blog carnival. Much has been told and written about the capital importance of knowledge in organizations, and the rise of networks-enabled enterprise emphasizes even more the role of informal learning and knowledge sharing … Continue reading

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Knowledge, From Productivity Source to Critical Component

This post was cross-posted on ecollab carnival blog, as part of a collaborative thinking about the future of the training department. Productivity: The amount of output per unit of input (labor, equipment, and capital). Enterprise has for long understood, and … Continue reading

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