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Category Archives: As seen, heard or read
Tackling Complexity and Wicked Problems with Design Thinking
This post is the second of a two-parts article on design thinking co-written with Ralph-Christian Ohr (@ralph_ohr). You can read first part here. The world we live in becomes increasingly complex. Complex systems in different areas of our life, such … Continue reading
Posted in As seen, heard or read, English
Tagged business design, cocreation, complexity, creativity, culture, design thinking, governance, innovation, management, networks, process, wicked problems
The Catch Behind Design Thinking
This post is the first of a two-parts article on design thinking co-written with Ralph-Christian Ohr (@ralph_ohr). As businesses are more and more challenged by the wicked nature of the problems they face, whether in strategic or operational context, we … Continue reading
Posted in As experimented, As seen, heard or read, English
Tagged business design, complexity, creativity, culture, design thinking, fractals, innovation, management, networks, process, social business
Emotional Surplus
Every time I hear or read the word “brand” associated with “social”, I wince. Not because of the ballooned hype surrounding this kind of association, but because most of this hype reveals an outdated – and often damageable – vision … Continue reading
Posted in As seen, heard or read, English
Tagged attractors, branding, complexity, marketing, social business, social media
The Two Faces of Social Business
Co-evolution has always played an important role in the history of humankind, specially when it comes to the complex relationships existing between technology and social behaviors. The social tools sweeping over the web and entering at increasing pace into our … Continue reading
Posted in As experimented, As seen, heard or read, English
Tagged behavior, business design, culture, enterprise 20, governance, management, salesforce, social business, tibbr
In a networked knowledge economy, co-creation is co-evolution
Our world is changing, so is the way we are thinking about it. The rise of online networks has not only modified our possibilities to connect and exchange knowledge with other people, but also has it given anyone with internet … Continue reading
Posted in As seen, heard or read, English
Tagged behavior, business design, cocreation, coevolution, communities, complexity, economy, innovation, networks, SCRM, sd-logic
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