Tag Archives: strategy

Is Collaboration a Crock?

Let us face it; we, as humans, are selfish, individualists, and undoubtedly clinging to any privileges associated with power. Goodwill and sharing among peers follow Nielsen’s principle, and most of us wouldn’t even imagine acting differently unless obliged to. The … Continue reading

Posted in As experimented, As seen, heard or read, English | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

The Importance of Non-Customers

Michael Wu, Scientist of Analytics at Lithium, has posted a great article upon the different components defining the strength of a Relationship. The notion of tie strength was first introduced in 1973 by Prof. Mark Granovetter in his seminal work: … Continue reading

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Forget about Enterprise 2.0, think brands

Fostering collaboration means blurring boundaries. Internally, it involves letting knowledge flow across organizational silos, capitalizing on informal knowledge to reshape work according to more efficient and human-centric patterns. Externally, it assumes nurturing new relationships with customers to better help them … Continue reading

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Redefining Brands, the Social Way

Let us start with a little quiz: What is the most crucial aspect of your business / organization? Which aspect of your business / organization is hardly predictable, fast forward moving, unreliable, hyper-connected? The answer to both questions is: your … Continue reading

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My Little Enterprise 2.0 Diffusion Framework

I find quite ironic that, while emphasizing the transformations needed / involved on the road to Enterprise 2.0, most case studies and literature on the subject, specifically when it comes to ‘adoption’, focus on the steps, and so rarely on … Continue reading

Posted in As experimented, As seen, heard or read, English | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments