Tag Archives: behavior

Breaking the reality barrier (social business style)

A tweet from Bertrand Duperrin, during the just finished Enterprise 2.0 Summit in Paris, ringed a bell in my head. We all know (or should know) that any social initiative should start with a concrete, tangible business problem to be … Continue reading

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The Broken Business Model of Business

Every day, we can see new evidences that our society is broken. More than ever, we live on the edge of an era, without knowing if the present unstable equilibrium will collapse into a dystopian future or lead us to … Continue reading

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The Thin Organization, Part II: Trapped into Causal Opacity?

Our world is changing. Fast. Radically. To cope with this pace of evolution, or to simply avoid disruption, organizations must evolve. The Glorious Thirties, these years which embodied the Golden Age of mass production and standardized consumption, are definitely behind … Continue reading

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My Social Business Predictions for 2003 (not a typo) – Part 2

Most of today’s organizations are powerful productive machines, which were founded and grew up during an era where mass production was the norm, and planning was the course of action. This era is over for good, and social business, or … Continue reading

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The tainted narrative of the workplace

Technology is influencing more than the way we work, it also deeply changes the notion of workplace. As IBM wrote in 2011 in its The new workplace: are you ready? white paper: “Today’s workplace is a virtual and/or physical environment, characterized by … Continue reading

Posted in As experimented, As seen, heard or read, English | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments